Recent weeks have seen me intensifying my crunchiness somewhat out of the blue. Here's how it happened.
I had been toying with the no 'poo method of hair maintenance for some time, but my mother (a soon to be retired hairdresser) kept bringing me huge bottles of pricey shampoo. So every time that happened, I decided I would do no 'poo when that bottle was done.
Then lo and behold, the very same woman comes into my house and tells me she stopped using shampoo! Then my sister told me the same thing! Well, not to be out-crunchified, I figured I could do it too.
(I'll write a post soon about the details of no 'poo).
After that, it seemed counter-intuitive to continue to use harsh chemicals and petroleum based products in other aspects of my life. So I started the oil cleansing method and I ordered soap nuts and I started experimenting with making my own toothpaste.
But there are certain things that I absolutely will not give up, no matter how crunchy I get. What are they?
- Toilet paper: Family thank you.
- Bleach: I'm sorry, but I have two little boys and a white kitchen sink. Sometimes bleach is the only answer.
- Shaving: Itchy armpits, Sasquatch legs...I'll stay clean shaven if it's all the same to everyone.
- Soap: There are a lot of natural alternatives to traditional soap. I found a great bar of Shea Moisture soap at Target. I just made my sister body wash using Dr. Bronner's castile soap (the verdict isn't in...I'll make her post a comment when it is).
- Meat: My thoughts on this are long and detailed. The nutshell version is that when the meat is humanely sourced and the animals are properly cared for, I don't feel guilty eating meat. Find a local farmer who raises pastured animals and you'll know what I mean.
- Diapers: For the baby, obviously. I try to use cloth for the most part, but I do use sposies at times, and there is no way I would do elimination communication. Again, no thanks.
- Modern Medicine: As much as I believe in homeopathy and natural remedies, there are times that aspirin and antibiotics are needed. Everything in moderation.
The verdict on the homemade body wash is in...sister loves it! she said it got nice and foamy on her bath pouf! yay...i'll post a recipe and probably try it out myself soon!