It's been a long time since I've written a blog post. I navigated away from traditional blogging and went to quick and dirty Facebook posts, managing the page through that platform. And then I slacked off on that, too. I switched to Facebook mostly because of time restraints. I had two little kids and a part time job, not to mention a house to manage and a million other responsibilities. So writing a quick little status update was much easier than writing out a post, with like paragraphs and organization and shit. But then apparently, life got too busy even for Facebook posts.
But now I'm looking to hone my writing skills and possibly make some money with a freelance writing career. To that end, this blog will become my space to practice writing about any topic that I feel like writing about!
Plus I quit my job and returned to teaching just one class, and while teaching is generally more work, I'm hoping that since it's less time out of the house, I can recommit to writing about things that I care about and things that interest me.
So I hope to continue writing about crafty topics, and maybe I'll be able to throw in some travel posts, too. If anyone has any suggestions for interesting topics, I'm listening!
If you read, great! If not, that's cool, too.
So expect blog posts on random topics as I try to, as they say, niche myself down.
Here's to writing!